After emerging from the gorgeous, challenging and life-altering journey of pregnancy, birth and post-partum with my first child - I am in awe of the whole process. My journey was made possible through an incredible amount of support, which kept the journey life-giving, while challenging.
I want to support women and babies and families.
It is insane that in our culture, new families are some of the most stressed, challenged and under-supported people.
I want to live in a world where babies and parents get the sleep they need. Where mothers get support for their changing bodies. Where there are safe spaces for mother and baby to process the intense journey of birth. Where support for families is not a luxury for the wealthy.
I think you get my point.
I am offering sliding scale sessions for pregnant mamas, new babies, post-partum mamas and new families.
Sessions can include Trauma Resolution to integrate birth experiences, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Polarity to help mama’s changing body and support baby’s entry into the world, Polarity Two-Chair processing to help mom communicate with baby and navigate any binds in her life that might impede her journey to motherhood and massage to settle the nervous system and just feel good.
I may be available for home visits, depending on the circumstances.
Contact me for more information - either for yourself as a part of your personal wellness plan with pregnancy, birth and post-partum, or as a gift for another family entering this process.